Payroll Reporting

LogixOne HR enables you to quickly and efficiently calculate your payroll by combining both time attendance  and leave calculation in the ONE platform.  LogixOne provides 3 different ways to calculate time and attendance:

  1. The LogixOne HR employee access web app or native Android or IOS application can track employees time and attendance and record this directly into the HR platform.
  2. Connect 3rd party external hardware devices such as finger print scanners and the like directly to LogixOne HR.
  3. Calculate ‘normal’ hours for relevant employees.

Combining all of this attendance and leave data into the one platform enables the HR team to calculate attendance and leave data at the click of a button significantly speeding up the laborious and time consuming task of performing regular payroll calculations.

Automated Payroll Runs (Customizable)

Customize and automate the payroll system to ensure timely and accurate pay runs, payslips, time sheets import and more into 3rd party finance applications.

Bonus Management (Customizable)

As a part of the customizable automated payroll reporting and payroll system, manage employee bonus decisions more effectively.